Of course, you won’t be slathering these ribs in barbecue sauce. A light marinade is all you need to bring out the natural flavour of the ribs. Whatever you do, make sure to get belly ribs. These are much larger and the meat has a firmer structure, while also being much more flavourful. Don’t forget about the most important thing: the touch of Glen Talloch!


  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Whisk the Glen Talloch marinade until the sugar has melted.
  3. Marinade the ribs for at least one hour before placing them on the barbecue (longer is better).
  4. Drizzle the ribs with the Glen Talloch marinade while they are roasting over the fire.

Ith do shàth!”


  • 1 cup soy sauce (250 ml)
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1 large cup Glen Talloch (any of our four types will do)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper

Sharing is caring:


We are concluding with a dessert. A very traditional dessert, in fact! If the Scots have something to celebrate, you can expect Cranachan to be served at some point. Cranachan is made from the four things that Scotland is known for: whisky, oats, honey and raspberries. Officially, the cream with Glen Talloch, the crispy oat flakes and the fruit are served separately, so everyone can construct their own dessert as they like it. Although there exist countless variations of this recipe, we are sticking with the classic preparation for now.

Glen Talloch and chocolate? We are always up for that! Especially for Glen Talloch with chocolate truffles.

Of course, you won’t be slathering these ribs in barbecue sauce. A light marinade is all you need to bring out the natural flavour of the ribs. Whatever you do, make sure to get belly ribs. These are much larger and the meat has a firmer structure, while also being much more flavourful. Don’t forget about the most important thing: the touch of Glen Talloch!